About us

Welcome to Silent Road, where a journey began as a personal mission for our family to lead a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. In our pursuit of well-being, we embrace all aspects that we believe contribute to a fulfilled life: good sleep, nutrition, exercise, human connection, and mindfulness. Weekly, we document our experiences and share them across various social channels. Additionally, we offer products that support our mission.

The core of Silent Road is rooted in our own experiences. When our family moved to a village in Gelderland, our children were suddenly confronted with discrimination and racism. These challenges shook their confidence and identity, especially for our eldest daughter.

To support her, we encouraged using clothing as a form of self-expression. What started as printing inspiring texts on t-shirts evolved into Silent Road. It symbolizes not only inner strength and pride but also a celebration of cultural heritage and personal achievements. For us, the name Silent Road represents a future full of possibilities and inspiration.

'Silent' embodies the power of silence - the strength to listen and be understood. It is a call to break silences, be open to each other's ideas, and adopt a learning attitude.

'Road' represents the path ahead, a future of hope, love, and success. It pays tribute to the ancient Silk Road that once traversed from Europe through Asia. This reminds us that our mission extends to finding connections. Establishing a connection with one's own body, mind, and spirituality while simultaneously forging connections with the surroundings.

Join us and discover how together we can embark on a journey towards self-expression, connection, and well-being.